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MASON&RISCH Piano has a century of British precipitation down the superb technology, concentrated essence, heritage classic!
Patti Rand TEAD PRATT, which was founded in 1798, is one of the oldest companies in the UK.
Is the world's largest manufacturer of piano keyboard and string.

  • 1798
    George Read & Pratt Deep Leaf 兄弟在英国南安普敦开始研发现代钢琴。
  • 1862
  • 1908
    帕蒂兰德集团旗下梅森 • 丽舍钢琴获得万国博览会金奖。
  • 1910
  • 1956
    历经战乱,几经变迁。帕蒂兰德乐器重新回到英国,帕蒂兰德一直秉承 “伟大成就特权”品牌魅力再次绽放。
  • 2010
    Pratt Read公司将褒享声誉的Mason&Risch钢琴带进中国市场。